Sunday, 13 September 2009


9th coat / seasonally misplaced / junction of please / vast cement multiples /
orientated westbound towards earls court / exhibition of level platform /
ducklings spread / she, artesian painter / folk violinist / scissors
her orchestration / status? seen since river : videography,
low qual. audio & photographic / monoliths half-researched
& squeeking shallow monuments / in Slovak, logan nationalised
accordance with three successive digits / I break her / recognition /
gregorian essence plundered / deemed movable
extract powerscape / etch / we may reforest but rings are regenerate /
prolepsis / hallow / lunar etymology / confuse / intercalaris / her proficiency
must have laid eggs / hatch / i scribble letters to longcomers,
flames & re-settled dear persons from deficit evenings list; ix names /
ix letters / though two months before / error contemplating
her textual exercises & if... / luminated / tree / traffic state /
lips / sunset / boating / rosé / laugh / exhale / arm, or other /
to touch her neurology /

least reality dealt something / turbulent, / least / name /
if such / inclination / if / if / if / state.

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